Another award for ESHIP: Navigating Uncertainty
The game won silver medal in the 2018 International Serious Play Board Game Award Program.
Read a column about this win that was published in the Aarhus University Website
ESHIP: Navigating Uncertainty wins awards
The game was submitted in both Entrepreneurship Challenge Track (ECIE2016) and Game-based Learning Competition (ECGBL2016).
At ECIE2016, the innovative teaching intervention of using gamification (via the ESHIP game) in Entrepreneurship Education, and the teaching model (Design Thinking) that the game supported, attracted the attention of the judges and got the second place.
ECGBL is a game-based learning conference that hosts the international educational games competition. Games submitted to the competition are assessed for design and impact, innovation and creativity, and engagement. There are three tracks – digital, non-digital and multi-platform. ESHIP game won the first place in the non-digital category and second position overall (across all platforms).